New Rad Pole Wear available at Pole Dance Academy!!!
Rad is back!!! We have so much new stock available at our Bondi Junction studio <3 Come by and pick some up or you can order online and have it delivered to your home! We also take special orders so if you see something you love just email us and we will add it to our next Rad order. You can check what Rad Pole Wear have instock by visiting the website
We have so many sexy costumes coming soon so make sure you check checking to see what we have in stock!
Michelle Shimmy's online splits tutorial is coming very soon so you can start stretching everyday with Shimmy very soon!!!!
If you love pole as much as we do we know you will love our online store. See you class soon! Next term is already up and available for you to book in online at
If you have not got your tickets for Pole Theatre Sydney yet they are almost sold out so make sure you go online and get them now at
PDA News!!!! We are very excited that our gorgeous instructor #miss27jane will be competing in Sexy's Back 2016! If you have not had this amazing girl as your teacher yet maybe you should check out one of her classes.... We hear she has a killer ab workout! :) We wish Jane good luck and send her many sexy vibes.
Did I mention Shimmy is back? You might see Shimmy in your next class. After touring about Europe for Pole Theatre UK and Pole Theatre Greece, Shimmy is back home to prepare for Pole Theatre Sydney. Welcome home Shim!
Did you want to check out the routines from the winners of Pole Theatre UK and Greece? Click here:
Lastly, we can't wait for Summer Pole camp!!! If you want to start the year in Pole Dancer paradise then make sure you book in for the best Australian Pole Camp!!! PDA Summer Pole Camp 2017 is an excuse to do way more pole than you normally would. We run so many fun classes for all levels to get you inspired and ready for the year ahead. You might have noticed around January all your pole friends are posting #Sundaybumdays with @michelleshimmy down at the Bondi pole..... well if you want to join in on the fun then don't leave it too late to book in. Classes are filling up fast.
See you in the studio soon <3 <3 <3