Beginner to Intermediate Level
Sexy Pole Choreo No 1.
This download is available on computer, if you wish to view if on a mobile device please email us at info@poledanceacademy.com.au with your order number after you have purchased the tutorial and we will send you a mobile version.
In this tutorial Maddie will take you through her favourite stretches and warm up. You will need knee pads and heels and a pole.
Remember to listen to your body and if anything feels too intense just skip it. Maddie will give you some easier variations of some moves and some more difficult variations of others. She will break down each part of the choreography slowly so you can master each transition.
If you want to use this choreography for your own routines, feel free to do so. If you want to share your progress with Maddie just hashtag #MaddieSparklechoreo and tag @maddiesparkledancer
Push yourself to your own personal best. You can pause the video at any time to spend more time one each section of choreography.
Have fun!
Downloads take approx 8-20 mins depending on your internet speed. If you have any difficulties please email us at info@poledanceacademy.com.au and we can send you a vimeo link to stream and download.
This video is 41 mins. It is a short introduction to pole choreo. There will be an advanced video coming soon!
Always Consult Your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen. The information on this website is not intended to prevent, diagnose or treat any medical condition or disease. If you experience any discomfort or pain please consult your doctor immediately. Pole Dance Academy Pty Ltd and Maddie Sparkle can not be liable for any claims for injuries or damages resulting from this video.